By using satellite imagery and separate photographs of Russian equipment, the report also documents the movement of Russian tanks, SA-22 air-defense systems, Grad rocket launchers and armored reconnaissance vehicles. 通过卫星图像以及其他关于俄罗斯装备的照片,该报告还记录了俄罗斯坦克、SA-22防空系统、格拉德型(Grad)火箭弹发射器和武装侦察车的活动。
Drawing on satellite photographs and social media posts by Russian soldiers, the report shows the network of Russian military camps that have sprouted near the Ukrainian border and have been used to send Russian weapons and troops into eastern Ukraine. 该报告通过卫星照片及俄罗斯士兵在社交媒体上的帖子展示了,俄罗斯军队在乌克兰边境搭建的营地被用于向乌克兰东部运送俄罗斯武器及士兵。
WASHINGTON& An unusual investigation using publicly available videos, smartphone photographs and satellite images shows that Russia is continuing to defy the West by conducting protracted military operations inside Ukraine, according to an independent report. 华盛顿&据一份独立报告称,调查表明俄罗斯仍在不顾西方反对,在乌克兰境内开展旷日持久的军事行动。这项异乎寻常的调查使用了公开的视频、智能手机拍摄的照片和卫星图片。